Planting Sequoias

In which I blog about a life (hopefully) well lived.

Cross-Stitched Star Wars (in which I trade a nerdy craft for a diamond ring)


I believe that the title of this post says it all.


This I made during my first week of employment (WOOOOOHOOOOO!!!)–in all of my spare time. I have less of that now that I am a working girl.

Anyway. I found a gem of a cross-stitch kit at Salvation Army for a bucking horse with a rider. Naturally I purchased said kit, and materialized the vague vision I had of a Star Wars sampler.

You might be asking yourself, “what in the world is she going to do with this?”

Great question! Well, my friends, I traded it for an engagement ring. I think I got the better end of the deal. 🙂

(I gave this to Kenny on Friday night. On Saturday morning, he proposed! Coincidence? I think not!)