Planting Sequoias

In which I blog about a life (hopefully) well lived.

Restained Wood Dresser (in which I establish a no-mustaches in the bedroom rule)


Well, Kenny and I have actually finished a project. Cue the banjos! In celebration. Because we like folksy music.

We sanded down a dresser to within an inch of its life here. Kenny deserves 98% of the credit, because he has the patience of a saint when it comes to sanding. Then we slapped some stain on it. That was more my speed–instant gratification without physical exertion.

From the get-go, we knew we wanted to replace the hardware on the dresser because the handles closely resembled mustaches. Kind of like these handles:

See!?!? Do you see the resemblance to a mustache? I didn’t take actual photos of the hardware for fear that my two readers would stop reading my blog. Yes. The hardware was that scary. I might incorporate them into my next Halloween costume.

Since I refuse to have any mustaches in my future bedroom (that goes for you too, Ken.), this past weekend, we spent an arm and a leg on some fancy hardware for this guy. Here’s a handle:

And here’s the whole thing (the drawers aren’t pushed in all the way because the finish is still curing a little):

KaBam! I know. I can’t stop looking at pictures of it either. I’ll understand why my blog stats spike on this post. So beautiful.

As for a budget–Plan A was to buy an IKEA Hemnes dresser in black/brown, which costs about $250.

We got this one for free from Kenny’s parents–and it is good. solid. wood.

We spent probably $30 on sandpaper, stain, and poly, and another $40 on hardware–so about $70 all told.

Not only did we “save” $180-ish on this, I love this one way more than anything I could get at IKEA. MMM.

Stay tuned for more!

UPDATE: Here it is in it’s final resting place (not!):

doily garland and rustic barn wood art

11 thoughts on “Restained Wood Dresser (in which I establish a no-mustaches in the bedroom rule)

  1. so classy! also, i fully support your no-mustaches-in-the-bedroom-room-rule-including-kenneth even though i think he could probably rock a nice handle-bar stache. after the wedding maybe?

  2. Love it! This could definitely be a side business for you two!

  3. love it! You are an inspiration… I have 2 dressers that we have from Kris’ family as well that I haven’t done anything too yet, just have left them as is this past year… but now I am inspired to paint them! Eventually… lol

    • You totally should! And then blog about it! At least you have the farm where you can work on things right at home…don’t know what we’re going to do when we move to our new tiny apartment! Guess we’ll have to keep mooching off my parents for their space and power tools. 🙂

  4. Beautiful work! Congratulations on a job well done.

    Refinishing is so satisfying, isn’t it? It feels almost like making something out of nothing. I haven’t done it in quite a few years but still enjoy the pieces I reclaimed from flea markets, garage sales, etc. If the wood is good, any piece can become beautiful.

    • I know. I love giving things a second life, of sorts–and we are definitely blessed to have been given such a nice piece of furniture!

  5. Pingback: Wedding present preview numero dos « Planting Sequoias

  6. Pingback: Bedroom Reveal: Don’t worry, Ken likes the duvet cover « Planting Sequoias

  7. Pingback: Giant $12 Map Frame (in which we get sawdust in the sink…and everywhere else, too) | Planting Seqoias

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